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This is so cute!!! also Im sad I can't beat that phone game


so excited for the full game to be released!!!! it's way too cute!!


This is my second time playing this game and I loved it even more the second time! I cannot wait until the game is released. ❀⸜(˶´ ˘ `˶)⸝❀

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OMGGG. I can't wait until the game is releaseddd. I genuinely went to school dying to come home just to continue the demo, and I need to know how it ends. :(( Ur art is amazing!! <33 (I'm so excited to see ur making another game too! YAYA!!)


I forgot to comment when I played this- but this is such a lovely, nostalgic game! Thank you for making it! Can’t wait to see the finished project! :D


This game is fantastic! I enjoyed the game play and the storyline! I absolutely loved it, can't wait to see the full game!


fantastic game! hope to see more great stuff from y'all in the future!


this is great! i want to see these 2 silly boyz get 2gether <3


I LOVED THIS!!! Cant wait for the full version!!


SO GOOD! Can't wait for the full version!


THIS IS SO CUTE I WANT THE FULL GAME RIGHT NEOW no pressure obvz. i'm just bouncing off the wallz
also they're both a little stupid but that is okay ❤️


(Trying not to spoil...) but the symbolism of a boy running around in the dark «closet», hurting himself, freezing and not getting (or coming) out of it just BECAUSE he's afraid of being IN it and also what happens then -- it's sooo deep. Don't know how many times I already played this. The «germs» scene was so overwhelming. I need that whole game, pleeeaaase! If I was better at youth language I would actually do the German translation.


yoooo. thanks for the sweet and thoughtful comment. having ppl resonate with the symbolism and themes in the game makes me so happy, and extra excited and motivated to finish the project. appreciate u very very much. 🙏🐸


Oh, yeah, I saw a lot more. E.g. the ultimative distinction between half-truth and half-lie. Or the hilarious «Don't come through my backdoor!» scene. He virtually «drops the soap» and then someone gets through his backdoor. *lol* Besides, I really love the name «Fergus» for, well, Fergus.


Do a portuguese version of this! I love this game smsm ^-^


yo thanks for stopping by!!! would love to get some translations done, after release will be looking into it. thank u ❤️❤️❤️

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Omgg, this is actually AWESOME!!! I need the full game now lolz!! XD

also, i was wondering if theres any date the game might be released. I really want to play the full game!

hiya, thanks sm for playing! no full version release date yet, but its coming ""SOON"" <3 <3


Hey Fnife Games, you said the game will be released on April this year, what's up? I NEED THIS GAME TO COME OUT. And also, when the full version does release, if purchased, will it come with a Gameboy\GameboyColour ROM to play on an emulator or an actual Gameboy? Oh, And what date will it come out on?


hi hennersbbq thanks for the kind words && for holding us accountable lol!!! you can read more about why we're taking ages (grovelling for forgiveness) in our blog but essentially development has been slow due 2 us working on other projects!!!! sorryy

to answer your questions the GBC ROM will definitely come with the purchase, and most likely be packaged along with the .exe for the Steam purchase too.

in terms of release date, we dont want to jinx anything but will definitely post abt it when its close! hopefully SOON™ <3<3

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Thank You! I'll be sitting on the edge of my seat until the game comes out. I love the demo of the game. Thank you for your time, and for making this game. For a thanks, I'll pay an extra AUD$10 when I buy the game. Thank you and farewell... For now, at least


I played this demo almost a whole year ago now or i'd guess it to be something like that, and i've genuinley been so excited since!!!!! i can't wait for the full game to come out lol. this is srsly the best lgbt game ive ever played. thanks for making such an amazing game!!


i reallyyyyy love, i'm waiting for the full game now


i love this sm


i love this!


my character started flowing down the screen and i couldnt move at some point. Regardless a very nice demo and game concept!

ayo, thanks for this bug report! Im 95% sure I know how to fix it, so will clean that up in the next build <3 <3 thanks for playing!!!




epic game, i lowkey spent more time on the phone game than the actual lore 😅

hellll yeah we love a phone game gamer!!! such a timesink if only bc i made it really hard and janky by accident and then decided i liked that


this was so awesome -ill be waiting for full game bc this is great :D

why the fuck is it gay boy

idk my BFF jill?


How much you need to complete this game? 

I need the full game right noooowwwww


a few more months (and 1 million trillions dollarz), hehe


will the full game be playable in browser? I hope so this looks fun


thanks 4 asking! atm im unsure, it might make the release complicated. will try to make it as accessible as possible tho!!


I've just gotten here and I looove this demo, can't wait for the full game!!!






This reminds me so much of my days as a 13 year-old fanfiction reader. I didn't know fanfiction was something I still needed in my life omg. And the game ended at exactly the right time, just when I started getting bored, all like "JUST DO IT. CONFESS. EVEN MY SORRYY COWARDLY ASS WAS ABLE TO DO IT IT'S NOT THAT HARD YOU &%@#!" It's also amazing how much one can do with just 4 colors, it's actually impressive.

really appreciate ur comment <3 so glad it brought you back to the ancient fanfic times!!!!


I really enjoyed the demo! I will be watching progress on this one closely.


Ik the demo hasn't been out for long but do you have any idea when the full game will come out? :3 I've checked steam and online but have only seen it's coming this year. 


Hiya, thx for asking -- ive been meaning to post an updaaaate so i'll probably make a wee blog post or smn going over how progress on the full versn is going ((and what ppl can expect!!)) still very keen to get it wrapped this year, and v. much appreciate every1s patience while its bein worked on. (tl;dr its basically just 1.5 ppl working on it ""part time"" so its slow cookin)


thx , I can't wait for the whole game cuz the demo is already amazing :D


OMG so excited for the full version!! The demo was so good it was like a slap in the face when i saw the "end of demo" thing lmao take the time you need tho :))




oh em gee can't wait to see the finished product I audibly screamed no when the credits started rolling from how invested I was XD 


I LOVEEEDDDDD this demo, so awesome, loved everything about it!!!

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i see the word emo i click oh my god this is fire keep the work up! shoutout 2 tha whole team fr X3

edit: i just beat the game and wow holy shit thats a lotta content 4 a demo :O








I'm playing this in my mm+, and I love it,I hope you finish the project guys 🎉

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