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I love this game T-T I NEED MOREEEEEEE


hehehe. ok i guess i can make some more!!

(thank uuu 💪🐸❤️)


After years of using, I created an account for the first time so that I could add the game and and write a comment.. I loved it sm and it's the best game I've played on here in forever. I somehow didn't realise it was a demo and got shocked when I reached the end and am now desperately waiting for its release. Loved all the nostalgia vibes and the little memes thrown in (will there be a way to see if you've collected them all in the final version?) I also can't wait for them to (hopefully) realise they both like each other and confess


eek! thank u for coming out of lurker mode 2 leave such a lovely comment! im so glad u did ❤️

with the memes -- definitely looking fer ways 2 give the player more info abt what u've collected + options 2 look bk over it!!! (mbbe pseudo "achievements" 2 track?? 👀)

I cant wait either,, working on this part time makes it a slow (steady) process, ahaaa

(1 edit) (+1)

I ADORE this game. It's  amazing. The dialouge, characters, style, and story are AMAZING. I also really resonate with the gays because I have both been the pinning one and the one that had to wingman his crush. All of that almost brought tears to my eyes. The thing that really made me sob was the PHONE GAME!!! I can't get past it and i've died to it 80 times by now.

thanks so muchh!!! feel like theres some universal truth 2 being stuck pining/wingmanning (or both), pleased 2 hear it resonated! AHA, ohhhhh the ~phone game~ is brutal. therell likely be even more levels for it (optional) in the full version, so u'll need the practice, hehe. ❤️❤️❤️


I love this game. I am currently emo, and i love writing music. I really love this game, and i play it in my free time. Everything down to the small typos that us emo kids use is just so cute and amazing.

(2 edits)

heyoo! im stoked that u been enjoying the game & all its silly lil details 🐛❤️. Glad 2 hear u are keeping the emo dream alive!! all the best for the music ur writing, i hope it turns out awesome!!! \(ᵔᵕᵔ)/


Omg this game is literally THE BEST. It's so nostalgic and just makes u soo comfortable idk how to describe it i just love it thank you so much for making this game im really looking forward for the whole release

❤️!!! thank u sm for the lovely feedback -- nostalgic & comfy r 100% some of the main pillars i wanted 2 pull from, really happy 2 hear that comes thru!!!! appreciate u checking it owtttt (✿◠‿◠)


I just noticed that this plays in New Zealand!
I was wondering why the Lawn Moaner said Kia Ora, but it makes sense now. Hence Ferg also calling whoever left their fastfood on that bench was an untidy "kiwi", which refers to the bird, the people and of course the fruit.

aeeeee, yup its set in small town New Zealand (our team live here)!! it defs colours the manner in which some things play out w/ the story, but its a sort of easter egg too, lol! thks sm for playing <3<3


it's a nice lil touch :))) amazing game, thx for the amazing experience!


This game got me so flustered! I'm pretty sure I just disconnected from the real world for an hour because I was INVESTED in the story! The art style is really cute down to the little character sprites... They have a lot of character even though they are so scaled down, and as an artist, I know that can be really hard to do at times, so props to you on that. The writing style is lighthearted and very reminiscent to the early 2000's and it just fit's. so. perfectly. You wouldn't even have to tell me it was based in 2007 to know that it was around that period, and to me that is just amazing. It was so wholesome and made me want to find my old gameboy original to play pokemon like I did as a little gremlin. I'm pretty sure that if I don't get a full version I'm going to gouge my eyes out and use them to make spaghetti just so I would be able to stop crying, but by the sounds of it, that won't be the case... Love this game and can't wait for a full version!

🔥🔥🔥 ahhhHHHHhHHH. phew. holy heck.ur beautiful comment killd + ressurected me. thanks sm 4 ur spicy kind words and spaghetti threats l0l. promise the full version is coming along (slow bt steady). appreci8 ur compliments on the sprites + setting, i was actually partially inspired by pokemon romhacks i played as a kid,, so love that it makes u want 2 go play those in gremlin mode ((do a nuzlocke i dare u)) 💪🐸❤️ thank uu


i cant tell if youre in character or just living in 2012 lol

me neither honestly ❤️❤️❤️


Why not both?~

(1 edit) (+1)

Oh. muh. god... Why didn't I get the friggin notification tellin me you replied!? And by the by, I managed to find my gameboy color, AND my pokemon silver and gold cartridges and I am freaking out! The pokemon brainrot has commenced and I don't know if I can stop this monster from spiraling out of control, or if I even should try. Plus now I AM going to do a nuzlocke, and I am going to love/regret every moment of it. I'm also listening to my lemon demon playlist, so I am vibing with anxiety and stoner vibes. 2006 is returning to haunt me and I am honestly fine with it... I dare you to haunt me you little Tamagotchi spirits!! Anywho, I have already done several playthroughs of this game and tbh, I still love it! And the spaghetti threat still stands, so just know that I'm watching you!! 

haha -- itch was keeping the notifications secret from me too (or I forgot)!!

wicked u found ur gameboy!!! hope u are enjoying the pokemon brainrot, i'm actually playing a Silver Nuzlocke at the moment... im up to Whitney w/ her Miltank soooo (prayers needed). the lemon demon playlist will surely guide u 2 greatness.

ill keep the spaghetti threat in mind as im working (its definitely a motivator) ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Wait really!? Heck yeah! Guess I'll play silver next seeming how I kinda sped through gold. Also, good luck on Whitney, she can be pretty tough!😊👍💕


did anyone else get stuck at the graveyard when it said the key dosent fit? i never got past that part..please help! btw amazing game!!!

(1 edit)

Hiiii, okay so once u have "made" the first key in the graveyard (you've found 3 pieces from the big angel statues) it will unlock the left-most crypt of the pair of crypts near the *top right* of the graveyard map. Hope that helps. Will aim 2 make this section a bit clearer in an update probably!! Thx 4 playing ❤️❤️



eee, thanks sm, im excited too!!! (✿◠‿◠) 🐛🐛


ITS SO BEAUTYFULL cant wait to try the full game!!!!

💪🐸❤️❤️ thank u


I don't know how to change my clothes. 🥲 I've been looking for it for a long time.

Hiya!!! to change you clothes you gotta interact with the chest of drawers in Ken's room (top left with a TV on it) and select "Get dressed" after u get prompted. hope that helps <3


thank you!!!!!


LOVE <3333 take your time on the full version coding is HARD haha I really love the demo I'm sure the full will be awesome >:D

ahhh, thx very much! gotta make it perfect and tasty!!! <3


i love this so much. i hope this shit's a lot longer when it releases cause its so cute. one complaint tho, and it might just be me cause im a bit blind, but i think the collision could change a bit. especially at the graveyard there were moments that i would get stuck on a random flower every 3 seconds. also where is this taking place? dont know if i missed it or not.


❤️ ayo!! thanks so much 4 the thoughtful comment! full version will be abt twice as looong (this demo is 1/2 the game). bt i have plans for sequels!! thx 4 the feedback on the collision, its something id like 2 clean up in the full vers as well!!

and yeah - it takes place in a small town in New Zealand in 2007 (bt kept slightly ambiguous) 💪🐸


AHHH i love i need more(im craving it and if it doesnt happen ill cry) it was AMAZINGGG, thank u for making it :3 


❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ thank u 4 playing and enjoying!!! dont cry!!! moar is on the waaaay~


cant wait!! i shoudl be one of the first ones to know abt it and play it o-<


Absolute quality, you can really see the love baked right into the game.

blushing. thank u sm. that;s extremely kind, and honestly the biggest compliment ❤️❤️


 💜😌 kindof-rant incoming, but shamelessly posting it anyways because I am very much in the (assumed) target audience of dorky folk in a certain age range? maybe? so yknow, biased AF.

From the active choice to develope as what is essentially a Gameboy game, to the inclusion of meme easter eggs that, even we folk were jamming to when fresh, were half forgotten and out of mind for... maybe years(?) before seeing again here (in glorious 8-bit!), to the endearing characters and dialog it's mega clear you poured a lot of what you love, of yourselves into this, and can't wait to play any more you put out. Definitely stalking your itch dev page for future endeavors too.

Objectively well designed too. Puzzles felt just right, map layouts felt good, aethetics, etc.

I bet you fnife folks are p cool crew. 😎 

gosh. omg. thank u for the extremely lovely rant, its so validating + uplifting to hear... we're defs mindful that we want 2 stay tru to ourselves && our core process. its rlly lovely hearing that it resonates with u and you can see our passion and approach to creating. appreci8 you sm. gonna have to print your comment out and stick it on the fridge <3<3


GOD I LOVE THIS GAME!!!! i cant wait for the full relased <3333

thank u, appreciate ur support, we cant wait to release it all either!!! gonna b gooooood


I just finished the demo and I'M IN LOVE. I was wondering when the full version comes out will I have to play it since the beginning? Or it saved? Really looking forward to continue playing :D


i remember from a few months ago that it was going to be finished the end of this year or december!!^^


❤️ that's right!!! looking at end of 2023 / beginning of 2024. gotta make sure it's not rushed :D


yo! thanks, glad u enjoyed! we'll set smn up so the full version can be started from the endpoint of the demo (✿◠‿◠)


yeyyy :D


played this for the first time a couple of days ago and OH MY GOD. one of the best games I've played and can't wait to play the full version when it comes out <3

thank u!! really glad you enjoyed it, thx for being patient for the full versionne ❤️❤️❤️


This was so cute!! Realising it was a kiwi game was a nice surprise too, it's always fun to find fellow kiwi devs <3 I can't wait for the full release :3 rawr!


yussss, thank u, means a lot coming from a kiwi dev, ((rawr))! mega appreciate the kind words + support 💪🐸💪🐸


forgot this wuz jst a demo SO SAD T-T how much will it cost when itz fully released :3333

glad u enjoyed the demo (sorry it got u in ur feels hah ❤️). digital version will be cheapish, physical cart release (deluxe edition) might be bit moar $$$ depending on the manufacturing co$ts


i think i found a glitch. right after i tidy my room my character just like falls from the top of the screen to the bottom over and over

omg thank u sm for bug reporting this!!! 🐛🐛

its super rare bt yeah it's a wild glitch (probably a speed running strat). i'll do my best to recreate + fix it asap. apologies for inconvenience. if u change the order u tidy your room (for now) I think that's a workaround! will keep u posted <3


no problem! the game is amazing i just finished the demo and cannot wait to play the whole thing!!


Noo my daym Android unable to get full thing 😭😖

When the full version comes out u can still play it in-browser on andriod!!! or u can download the .rom & play using a GameBoy emulator frm the AppStore ❤️🐸❤️


liking the game and want to suggest a play date port. Would be perfect for that platform. 


thanks! i really reaaaaally like the Playdate, that's a super cool suggestion. if not a port then a sequel/prequel/vignette might b a cool option 👀👀


this made me giggle and kick my feet ily for making this game thank u


also little question, will there ever be an android version for download? ty :3

thank u sm! high praise that it made u kick ur feet lol!

in terms of android version 4 download, technically u could grab the rom and play it on a GB emulator on p. much any smart phone!!! but yea standalone vers could maybe b possible, will think on it 💪🐸


I played this on the good ol’ analogue pocket and OML is this game beautiful! I’ve always been a huge fan of the GBC art style, but you all took it above and beyond. I’m just saying, this is one of (if not) the best indie gameboy game I have played in a while. The characters feel genuine, complete (of course) with genuine problems. I enjoyed every minute, and I’m practically kicking my lil’ legs waiting for the physical release. I just hope there ends up being a way to transfer your save from the demo, or the ability to start right where the demo left you off. Thank you for this wonderful game!

hey, thnks for this incredible write up. so pleased u enjoyed the experience ((the analogue pocket is amazing, such a joy to play on, hecck)). very keen on doing a physical release w/ extras + goodies. will 100% include a chapter select w/ that, too so ppl can skip to the new content!! it's still a wee ways off, but rlly want to make it special. thx again ❤️❤️


aww this demo was so much fun, I got a bit lost but I found my way back in no time, I loved the game boy style and the pixel art was amazing as well as the characters, I found myself scared that the demo would end so I will be looking forward to the full game. amazing job!!!

thanks sm! sorry u got a lil lost, hahaa! glad u enjoyed the experience tho ❤️ & ty for the very kind words 💪🐸

(1 edit) (+2)

I started playing this and thought "This reminds me of New Zealand in the 2000s". Very surprsing to to find that we're in the same city, Ōtautahi. 

Looking forward to the full game. Will definitely buy the physical version if it is released.

so stoked 2 hear this evoked the 2000's NZ vibes, heck yea!! & super nice 2 have some1 in Ōtautahi stumble upon it. ❤️

defs intending on making physical carts w/ the full vers is out!! thanks for ur support (✿◠‿◠)


Omg! This is so good! I'm so excited for the full game! I have it on my wishlist on steam to keep an eye out for it! The style is everything!

❤️ yooo, thank u sm! rly appreciate the wishlist. working hard on puttin the final chapter 2gether!! 💪🐸


I’ve been playing Small Town Emo and I really like it! The story is super cute, the characters feel so real and honest, and the dialogue is amazing too! 

I really like the pixel font for the dialogue. What’s the name of the pixel font and who created it?

(2 edits)

ayo, thank u sm! having the characters feel honest is legit the nicest compliment!! ❤️

iirc the pixel font is our slightly edited variant of the thicc monospace ASCII font tht comes w/ default GB Studio (òᴥó)


me and my bf played this game it's cute! we're looking forward for the complete game!

heck yea!! glad u + ur BF enjoyed, tysm!!! ❤️❤️


ken: gay and emo

me: gay and emo


aslo, when it's out, is it gonna be some way to support you better than buying on steam? i heard they don't pay quite well indie games :( so if it's gonna be a paid game i would love to support better than buying on steam


🐸🙏 yoooo, thx for supporting indie devs!

complete version will be on steam bt *ALSO* here on itch too. + we'll b looking in2 merch and a physical/deluxe version as well, so therell a few diff options to support the game!! ❤️❤️


also, if you're looking for someone to translate the game for brazilian portuguese... i would gladly help you guys!


👀👀 wicked!! if u drop us an email here: we can reach out 2 u if/when we start looking @ translation, defs keen! ❤️


crying, shaking, sobbing on the floor rn. i forgot it was a demo and was so invested T.T im SO looking forward to the full-release!!! 


❤️ omg heck, sorry 4 tricking u by making the demo long & somewhat cliffhanger-y (hehehe). glad 2 hear u got super invested tho, ty ty!!


Gay people, relationships, and underage drinking? Whats not to love?


❤️ exactly!! truly those r the 3 pillars of any gr8 story (✿◠‿◠)


Such a cute game! Really made my heart throb!!!

aH, thats so nice, thank u sm!!! (❤️🥁 padam padam as they say)


i luv dis game

thank u!! this game luvs u 2 ❤️❤️


did anyone else get stuck at the graveyard? I cant seem to climb back up or walk around to continue the mission. Plz help!!!!

(1 edit)

hiya jayyay01! sorry u got stuck here, basically if u walk str8 down 2 the bottom of the screen ur able to leave this area (the lads dont climb back up).

appreciate u mentioning this tho, will 100% make the exit for this section more clear!! cheers ❤️



Should've noticed it earlier tho lol. Anyways, i just finished the demo and I LOVE IT. PLEASE I need to know if and when is the full version going to be released <3

all good!! its an area tht could do w/ a bit of clarification, so happy 2 get ur input on it!!

& really glad u enjoyed! full version IS coming, promise. will be ~around~ end of 2023 ideally 🔥🔥


I really like this game! I can't wait for the next part! <3

\(ᵔᵕᵔ)/ heck yea!! thnks sm, can't wait 2 share the rest of it!!


this rules so hard!!! thanks for making it <3 flip phone texting abt yr gay crushes 4lyfeee!!


thank u s00o much glad u enjoyed!! make sure u dont run out of texts tho ❤️🔥❤️🔥


i am soooo excited to see the full game yo!!!!!!! abso-freakin-lutely pumped!!!! i am so n luv w the art and the charas and evrythng!!!!!!!!! wud b so majrly sad f i don't get better @ bullet hell tho :<


yooo, thank u so much for saying that, much appreciated ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

tbh: considerd making the bullet hell easierrr, bt now that ppl have spent ages beating it i feel like it has 2 stay hard & horrible 5ever, hahaa



I love the style, the way they talk- everything!! 

i will 100% get the full game when it comes out!!!!!

❤️tyvm❤️ so glad u had a good time, stoked u enjoyed the dialogue!! 💪🐸 thx 4 ur support!!!!!

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